Vertical Files

The Museum’s “Vertical Files” are a collection of newspaper clippings, photographs, brochures, advertisements and other papers items. The items are stored in manila folders in the Museum’s Bank vault. The following is a list of current subjects in this growing collection.
- Amusements
- Banks
- Bath Houses
- Businesses & Buildings
- Cemeteries
- City Government
- Civic Organizations & Clubs
- Clinics & Hospitals
- Family Files
- Hotels & Apartments
- Military/Wars
- Mineral Water
- Miscellaneous
- Parks
- Railroads
- Religion
- Schools
- Sports
- Streets
- Surrounding Towns
- Adam at Six A.M.
- Airdome
- Antique Cars
- Antique Show
- Art Gallery
- Auditorium
- BBQ & Fly-in-on-the-River
- Beyer Theatre
- Camp Doniphan
- Chamber/Kiwanis Club Celebrity Roast
- Chautauqua Association
- Cinema 21 Theatre
- Clay County Pageant
- Community Theatre
- Dance Studios: Fine Hammond
- Dance Studios: Lois Duncan
- Dance Studios: Susan’s School of Dance
- Dancing (pictures)
- Diversified Decorating Techniques
- Dorothy Mullikin & students of piano
- Excelsior Amusement Co.
- Excelsior Springs Midwest Cultural Center (Art Council)
- Fashion Show
- Fireworks Display
- Fishing River Festival
- Gatsby Days Festival
- Golf Course
- Green Hawk Driving Range
- Lake Maurer Recreational Area
- Miscellaneous
- Mulesta
- Parades
- Paradise Dinner Theatre
- Performing Arts Theatre
- Poetry
- Progress
- Quilts
- Race Track
- Siloam Theatre
- Square Dance
- Waterfest
- White City
- Wyman Theatre
- Bank Midwest
- Bank of America
- Bank of Excelsior Springs
- Clay County State Bank
- Commerce Bank
- Community Bank
- Excelsior Springs Savings & Loan Association
- Excelsior Trust Company
- First National Bank
- Hardin Savings & Loan
- Lawson Bank
Bath Houses
- Battle Creek Bath House
- Carlsbad Bath House
- Doxey Bath House
- Elms Hotel Bath House
- Excelsior Springs Bath House
- Harris Bath House
- Kansas City Bath House
- Karlsbad Bath House
- Kihlberg’s Karlsbad Bath House
- Montezuma Bath House
- Moore’s Bath House
- Music Hall Bath House
- Petersen’s Bath House
- Powell Bath House
- Salt Sulphur Bath House
- Siloam Bath House
- Star Bath House
- Sulpho Saline Bath House
Business & Buildings
- Adams Liquors & Sundries
- Aluminum Awning Company
- AmerenUE
- American Italian Pasta Company (AIPC)
- Ampride Convenience Store
- Arbor, The
- ASAP Store
- Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
- Atlas Cafe
- Auto Plus
- Avsco, Inc.
- Bailey & Mortimer Bookkeeping & Tax Service
- Bates Grocery
- Beacon Tire Service
- Ben Franklin
- Best Kept Secrets
- Best Mortgages, Inc.
- Bird Feeder
- Blolckbuster Video
- Blue Arrow Towns & Transportation Company
- Blue J Garage
- Blue Ribbon Grooming
- Bohannan Cigar Company
- Bollinger & Riggs Dry Goods Company
- Bond Cleaners
- Bonnie’s Inn & Out Restaurant
- Boston Store
- Boulevard Florist
- Branleys
- Breadeaux Pizza
- Broadway Market
- Broadway Mercantile
- Brown Prescription Drug
- Brunke Supply
- Business Firms circa 1940
- C & R Cafe
- P. Products Company
- Calico Corners
- Campbell’s Locker
- Cannon Chrysler/Plymouth
- Carters Dry Goods
- Chevrolet Garage
- Christian Union Harold
- Chuck Anderson Ford
- Clark’s Market
- Clean Air Connection
- Coast to Coast (Radleys)
- Coffee Cup Cafe (Deweys Cafe)
- Coldwell Banker (Graham & Associates)
- Confectionary Shop
- Cook’s Paints & Varnish
- Country Lane Carpets
- Country Travel
- Cox Tool Company, Inc.
- Crossroads Cafe
- Crowley Furniture
- Curves for Women
- D & S Videos & More
- Davidson Plumbing
- Debra Jean’s Bakery
- Deli
- Don’s Pharmacy
- Douglas & Lomason
- Downtowner
- Edward Jones Investments
- El Lazaros
- Electronic Publisher, Inc.
- Enchanted Frog Antiques
- Enduring Time Floral
- ERA Excel
- Esson’s Plumbing Shop
- Excel Computers
- Excelsior Econ
- Excelsior Hardware
- Excelsior Jewelry & Loan
- Excelsior Natural Food
- Excelsior Printing & Stationery
- Excelsior Springs Laundry Company
- Excelsior Springs Realty Company
- Excelsior Title & Abstract
- Excelsior Trading Card Company
- EZ Laundrymat
- Family Dollar Store
- Family Shoe Store
- Family Video
- Fancy Cleaners
- Flanders Dry Goods Company
- Flanigan Shoe & Harness Shop
- Ford Motor Company
- Foster’s Cleaners
- Gaylord Donuts
- Gazebo Brown Floral Shop
- Gem Drug Store
- General Realty & Mineral Water Company
- Gift Gallery
- Gilmour Group
- Globe Trading Company
- Good Times Restaurant & Lounge
- Gowing Funeral Home
- Green Quarries, Inc.
- Harrison Lumber Company
- Hart, Bob CPA
- Hope Funeral Home
- Howard (A.M.) Drug Store
- Hugel’s Gift Shop
- Hyder Drug Store
- Hyder Theatre
- IGA (Bob’s) Grocery
- Imco Container Products
- Interim Personnel
- International Tours
- Jenni’s Hallmark
- Jesse James Auto
- Joe Jones Shelter Insurance
- Jones Printing
- Judd’s Country Supers
- Kasson Photographers
- KEXS Radio Station
- Kiddle Cottage Daycare
- Kids Unlimited
- Kimber Jewelry
- King’s (Ruth) Ladies Fashions
- Kramer Hardware
- L & M Antique Shop
- Lee (J.R.) Drug Store
- Lee’s Gallery & Custom Frame Shop
- Lee
- Lewis Clothing Store
- Linda Lane Garment Factory
- Little Caesar’s Pizza
- Loehr’s Town & Country
- Logue & Short Drug Store
- Lonnie’s (formerly he Downtowner)
- Louise & Phil’s Youngster Shop
- M & L Body Shop
- Magna Seating Systems
- Maid Rite
- Malt Village
- Marietta Drug Store
- Market Ability
- Mary’s ‘Tiques & Treasures
- McCord’s Woodworking
- McDavid Brothers Livery
- McDonald’s Restaurant
- McFrugal’s Mattresses
- McKown’s Klatt Real Estate
- Mediacom
- Memories Yours & Mine
- Mercury Dealership
- Midwest Collection Company
- Mind Body & Soap
- Miscellaneous Buildings (pictures)
- Monestead Mobile Home Sales
- Montgomery Ward
- Moore Monument
- Morrison Jeweler
- Music Hall
- My Fair Lady Beauty Shop
- Myers Buick & Chevrolet Dealer
- Nancy’s Memory Makers
- Neatline DataGraphics, Inc.
- Nesco Resource
- Newberry’s
- Nichols (J.C.) Realty
- Nifty Nut Novelty Shop
- Olde English Garden Shoppe
- Olde Town Mall
- O’Reilly Automotive
- Owen Lumber Company
- Ozark Inn
- Paradise Doughnut Shop
- Penney (J.C.) Company
- Pepsi Cola Plant
- Pet Hut
- Phyllis’ Restaurant
- Pizza Hut
- Platte
- Polland & Brown Greenhouse
- Polley Funeral Home
- Price Chopper
- Prichard’s Funeral Home
- Quality Dairy
- Quick Run Conoco
- Ram Exteriors
- Ray’s Lunch
- Re/Max Area Real Estate
- Redmond’s
- Reece & Nichols
- Revolution Helicopter
- Reynolds News Stand
- Riley Pharmacy
- Rite
- Rocky Hollow Gun Range
- Roselle’s Lithia Bottling Works
- Rowell’s Drug Store
- Rudd Shoe Repair
- S & N Super
- Safeway Store
- Salsa’s
- Saratoga Grocery
- Scandinavian Country
- Sears Roebuck
- Seybold Tavern
- Shaw Junk & Auto Salvage Co.
- Shelton’s Floor & Wall Covering
- Shoe Shop
- Siloam Stables
- Snappy Store
- Sonic Drive
- Southwestern Bell
- Spherion Employment
- Springtown Mall
- State Farm Insurance
- Stoney’s
- Stretch
- Style Shoppe
- Subway
- Suddarth Cleaners & Tailors
- Sunny Side Cottage
- Taylor Lawn Service
- Tom’s Pool Hall
- Tower Loan Company
- Tri Sports Bicycle Shop
- Tyra’s Barber & Styling Salon
- United Telephone Company
- Ventana Gourmet Grill
- Viginiti’s
- Vintage Development
- Volume Mart
- Wabash BBQ
- Waller Truck Company
- Walmart
- Wear’s Food Store
- Wenzel & Duvall
- Western Auto
- Westfall
- Whitaker Cable
- White & Company
- Wicker’s Furniture
- Williams Shoe Store
- Wilson’s Paid & Wallpaper
- Wollard
- Y Barber Shop
- Y Bowl
- Y Standard
- Baldwin Cemetery
- Buxton Cemetery
- Cameron Cemetery
- Clevenger (John) Cemetery
- Clevenger (Samuel) Cemetery
- Cox Cemetery
- Crowley (John) Cemetery
- Crowley (Marion) Cemetery
- Crown Hill Cemetery
- Elmwood Cemetery
- Enon Cemetery
- George Cemetery
- Hillcrest Cemetery
- Hollingsworth Family Cemetery
- Majors Family Cemetery
- Masonic Cemetery
- Means Cemetery
- Moore Cemetery
- Zion Cemetery
- Munkirs Cemetery
- North New Garden Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery
- Old New Garden Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery
- Page (Hiram) Headstone
- Pisgah Cemetery
- Polley Cemetery
- Salem Christian Union Church Cemetery
- Scott Cemetery
- Siegel Cemetery
- Watkins Cemetery
- Welton Cemetery
- Woodland Cemetery
City Government
- Fire Department
- Police Department
- Public Works
Civic Organizations and Clubs
- Alpha Zeta Epsilon
- American Association of University Women
- American Cancer Society
- American Field Service (AFS)
- American Legion
- American Legion Auxiliary
- American Legionn Voiture Locale
- American Legion, Sons of
- Bill Club
- Boy Scouts
- Business & Professional Women
- Camp Quality
- Cancer Crusade
- Chamber of Commerce
- Commercial Club
- Habitat for Humanity
- Knights Templar
- Salon 709, 8 and 40
- United Daughters of the Confederacy
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
Clinics & Hospitals
- Anthropological Sanitarium
- Ball Clinic
- Ball Clinic Annex No. 2
- Bauserman Cancer Cure Sanitarium
- Excelsior Institute
- Excelsior Springs Hospital
- Excelsior Springs Sanitarium
- Keith Sanitarium
- McCleary Sanitarium
- Midwest Clinic
- Relief House Sanitarium
- Spa View Nursing Home
Family Files
- Albertson
- Albright
- Anita
- Bailey
- Baird
- Barber
- Bardwell
- Bates
- Bill
- Bogart
- Bolding
- Branson
- Brink
- Brown
- Caldwell
- Casto
- Cavender
- Cazzell
- Clevenger
- Clond
- Cox
- Cravens
- Cummins
- Cunningham
- Delano
- Devine
- Dildine
- Dixon
- Dowell
- Duncan
- Ellett
- Elmore
- Farabee
- Fellhauser
- Fifty
- Flack
- Flanders
- Fowler
- Frank
- Frieling
- George
- Grace
- Griffith
- Hacker
- Hall
- Hanson
- Harry
- Hilton
- Hinn
- Hinnah
- Jarman
- Johnson
- Jones
- Joyce
- King
- Lamb
- Larson
- Lightfoot
- Lindsey
- Lingenfelter
- Maurer
- McAfee
- McCannon
- McCarron
- McCaslin
- McDavid
- McGiffin
- McGinness
- McGuire
- McLain
- Merservey
- Michalucine
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Moore
- Morgan
- Morris
- Musgrave
- Nance
- Nelson
- O’Dell
- O’Kell
- Osterberg
- Overman
- Payne
- Pence
- Pfeiffer
- Polk
- Redman
- Risley
- Robichaux
- Saidy
- Satterlee
- Scott
- Seay
- Sharp
- Siegel
- Sisk
- Sparks
- Speer
- Stevenson
- Stewart
- Strathman
- Swafford
- Teale
- Teed
- Templeton
- Thomason
- Thompson
- Titus
- Turner
- Udell
- Ulmer
- Utt
- Vanderpool
- VanLandingham
- Ware
- Wenzel
- White
- Wicker
- Widmer
- Williams
- Woods
- Wyman
Hotels & Apartments
- Albany Hotel
- Alnutt, The
- Alton, The
- Anderson Flats & Cottages
- Anthony, The
- Antlers, The
- Apple Tree Lane Bed & Breakfast
- Arcadia Hotel
- Arlington Hotel
- Ashley Rooms
- Atwell, The
- Augusta Rooms
- Avalon Apartments
- Ball Bath House Hotel
- Baltimore, The
- Belmont Apartments
- Benton Hotel
- Bluebird Rooms
- Bonaventure Apartments
- Boulevard Rooms
- Bowman Rooms
- Boyd House
- Brentwood, The
- Broadway Hotel
- Buckley, The
- Caldwell Hotel
- Campbell, The
- Castle Rock Hotel
- Cecil, The
- Central Hotel
- Chadwick Hotel
- Challen Apartments
- Chinn Apartments
- City Hotel
- Clare House
- Clay Hotel
- Clinton, The
- Cody Hotel
- Cole Rooms
- Colonial Hotel
- Colony Plaza
- Colorado House
- Concourse, The
- Cook Apartments
- Cottage, The
- Cozy Rooms
- Crawford Apartments
- Crescent Hotel
- Crescent Lake Inn
- Crescent Lake Manor
- Crowley Apartment Hotel
- Davenport Apartments
- DelMonte Rooms
- Deli
- Dewey House
- Ecton Rooms
- El Capitan Apartments
- Elk Hotel
- Elms Hotel
- Elms Hotel (pictures)
- Elms Hotel (Xerox pictures, brochures, etc.)
- Estes Rooms
- European & American Hotel Arcadia
- Excelsior Hotel
- Filley Place Apartments
- First Elms Hotel
- Florence Hotel
- Foley Cottage
- Fowler Inn
- Francis Hotel
- Frederick Hotel
- Gardner Apartments
- German House
- Gillen House
- Goff House
- Grant Hotel
- Gary Gables
- Hamilton Apartments
- Harr Cottage
- Haynes Apartments
- Hiawatha House
- Hillside Apartments
- Hinchey Rooms
- Hobson Cottage
- Hudgens Rooms
- Ideal Hotel
- Inn, The
- Iowa House
- Iris Apartments
- Jerome Rooms
- Johnson Rooms
- Jones Apartments
- Joseph Hotel
- Kansas City House
- Keith Apartments
- Kelmel Apartments
- Kenmore, The
- Lakeview Country Bed & Breakfast
- Lane Rooms
- Liberty House
- Ligon Apartments
- Long’s Inn Hotel
- Lorraine, the
- Lucerne Hotel
- Lyndhurst Annex Apartments
- Lyndhurst Hotel
- Lyndon Apartments
- Magnolia Hotel
- Manor Apartments
- Maplehurst Apartments
- Maples Hotel
- McLain Apartments
- Melrose Apartments
- Midland Rooms
- Miscellaneous
- Monfort House
- Montclare Apartments
- Monte Cristo
- Monterey Motel
- Morrison Hotel
- Natrona, The
- Navajo Rooms
- Nebraska Hotel
- New McKenzie, The
- Newbern Hotel
- Newton Hotel
- Niles Rooms
- Noonon, The
- Northwind Apartments
- Oak Crest Rooms
- Oaks Hotel
- Orient, The
- Oswalt Rooms
- Palace, The
- Parkside Hotel
- Parkview Apartments
- Phillips Tourist Tavern
- Pickwick Apartments
- Planter Hotel
- Plaza Hotel
- Preston Rooms
- Princeton Apartments
- Randall, The
- Ranger Court Motel
- Redman House
- Regent Apartments
- Relief Hotel
- Resthaven Cottage Court
- Revere Rooms
- Robacker Cottage
- Roslyn Rooms
- Royal Hotel
- Ruey
- Sagerser House
- Sanford Hotel
- Saratoga Hotel
- Savoy Hotel
- Seybold Tavern
- Sharp’s Rest Home
- Shelton Apartments
- Siloam Apartments
- Snapp Hotel
- Snapp Tavern
- Springdale Apartments
- Sterling Rooms
- Sunflower Rooms
- Taggart Rooms
- Teel Apartments
- Templeton Rooms
- Thomas Apartments
- Tom & Rose Lee Motel
- Topeka House
- Udell Apartments
- Uptown Apartment House
- Victoria, The
- Villa Rosa
- Wales House (1917)
- Wallis Apartments
- Washington Hotel
- Westwood Hills Apartments
- White House
- Windsor Apartments
- Woodbine Hotel
- Wyman Heights