
The Museum has a large collection of local newspapers including paper and microfilm editions. In 2018 the newspaper microfilm was digitized to make the collection even more readily accessible. These are the local newspapers in the collection.
The Excelsior Times
Museum has this issue on microfilm/digitized: October 12, 1888 (Vol. 1, No. 4)
Excelsior Springs Journal
Published every Saturday.
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: Saturday, October 25, 1890 (one issue)
Daily Phunn
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: 1891-1894
The Daily News
Museum has this issue on microfilm/digitized: August 15, 1894 (Vol. 6, No. 197)
Excelsior Springs Review
Museum has one issue on microfilm/digitized: Thursday, May 12, 1898 (Vol. 1, No. 19)
The Call (Daily Phunn)
Daily Phunn established in 1881.
The Call & Daily Phunn combined in 1895.
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: May 8, 1895; February 6, 1896
Daily Call (Daily Phunn)
Established in 1881.
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: November 19, 1897; May 28, 1898
The Daily Call
Established in 1881.
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: January 12, 1899 (No. 162); January 12, 1899 (No. 171) [dates per newspaper appear to be incorrect]
Excelsior Springs Daily Call
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: 1903-1918
Excelsior Springs Weekly Call
First issue published Thursday, October 19, 1911
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: October 19, 1911 – October 26, 1916 [some issues missing]
Excelsior Springs Daily Journal
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: Saturday, May 13, 1905
The Excelsior Springs Daily Journal
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized:
July-December 1907
May 27 – November 1909
March-December 1913
January-December 1914
January-September 1915
January-July 1916
The Excelsior Springs Journal
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized:
August-December 1905
January-July 1906
June 16-December 1908
January-May 25, 1909
The Northwest Missourian
(and The Excelsior Springs Daily-News Call)
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: January 7, 1926 – March 4, 1926
This newspaper succeeded the consolidation of The Daily News and The Daily Call, Excelsior Springs, published every Thursday at 417 Thompson Avenue, Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Published by the Missouri Press Publishing Co.
Geo. F. McKenney [sic], Editor
John D. Caldwell, News Editor
Last issue was published Thursday, March 4, 1926 and was absorbed by The Morning News.
The Mourning News
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: March 9, 1926 – June 1926
Succeeded the consolidation of The Daily News (est. 1924??), The Daily Call (est. 1881), and The Northwest Missourian (est. 1926)
Published every morning except Monday.
First issue was Sunday, March 7, 1926
Sometime between January and February 1927, the Excelsior Springs Daily Standard absorbed the Daily Call, News-Call and Morning News.
Excelsior Standard
Published every Saturday.
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized:
Saturday, September 21, 1889
Saturday, August 13, 1892
Saturday, September 5, 1986
Friday, December 17, 1896
[Sometime between September 5 and December 17, 1896 publishing only on Saturday changed.]
Excelsior Springs Standard
Published every Friday.
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized:
October 5, 1900
January 2, 1903-December 18, 1903
August 30, 1907-August 27, 1909
January 31, 1913-February 5, 1915
Excelsior Springs Standard – Twice A Week
Published every Monday and Thursday.
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized:
February 18, 1915 – December 27, 1915 [missing 1916]
January 4, 1917 – October 7, 1918
Excelsior Springs Standard
Newspaper was on “War Basis” and began publication only on Thursdays.
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: October 10, 1918 – February 27, 1919
Tri-Weekly Excelsior Springs Standard
Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: March 3, 1919 – November 7, 1919
The first issue of the Tri-Weekly Excelsior Springs Standard was published Monday, March 3, 1919; last issue was published Friday, November 7, 1919.
Excelsior Springs Daily Standard
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized:
November 10, 1919 – January 17, 1920
January 2, 1923 – November 21, 1929 (missing January and February 1927)
The first issue of the Excelsior Springs Daily Standard was published November 21, 1929.
Published daily except Saturday and Sunday (November 10, 1919 – early 1920s).
Published Sunday morning and every evening except Saturday (early 1920s – November 21, 1929).
Sometime between 1920 and 1923 the Sunday edition was added as “Excelsior Springs Sunday Standard.” After the last issue of “Excelsior Springs Sunday Standard” on June 24, 1928, the Sunday edition masthead was changed to “Excelsior Springs Daily Standard.”
Sometime between January and February 1927 the newspaper absorbed the Daily Call, News-Call and Morning News and was continued to be named Excelsior Springs Daily Standard.
Excelsior Springs Sunday Standard
Began publication in early 1920s [1920?-1923?] – June 24, 1928
Last date “Excelsior Springs Sunday Standard” appeared in the masthead was June 24, 1928. On July 1, 1928 the masthead for the Sunday paper appeared as “Excelsior Springs Daily Standard.”
The Daily Standard
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: November 22, 1929 – March 31,1998
The Excelsior Springs Standard
Museum has these issues on microfilm/digitized: April 3, 1998 – present