- Albany Hotel
- Alnutt, The
- Alton, The
- Anderson Flats & Cottages
- Anthony, The
- Antlers, The
- Apple Tree Lane Bed & Breakfast
- Arcadia Hotel
- Arlington Hotel
- Ashley Rooms
- Atwell, The
- Augusta Rooms
- Avalon Apartments
- Ball Bath House Hotel
- Baltimore, The
- Belmont Apartments
- Benton Hotel
- Bluebird Rooms
- Bonaventure Apartments
- Boulevard Rooms
- Bowman Rooms
- Boyd House
- Brentwood, The
- Broadway Hotel
- Buckley, The
- Caldwell Hotel
- Campbell, The
- Castle Rock Hotel
- Cecil, The
- Central Hotel
- Chadwick Hotel
- Challen Apartments
- Chinn Apartments
- City Hotel
- Clare House
- Clay Hotel
- Clinton, The
- Cody Hotel
- Cole Rooms
- Colonial Hotel
- Colony Plaza
- Colorado House
- Concourse, The
- Cook Apartments
- Cottage, The
- Cozy Rooms
- Crawford Apartments
- Crescent Hotel
- Crescent Lake Inn
- Crescent Lake Manor
- Crowley Apartment Hotel
- Davenport Apartments
- DelMonte Rooms
- Deli
- Dewey House
- Ecton Rooms
- El Capitan Apartments
- Elk Hotel
- Elms Hotel
- Elms Hotel (pictures)
- Elms Hotel (Xerox pictures, brochures, etc.)
- Estes Rooms
- European & American Hotel Arcadia
- Excelsior Hotel
- Filley Place Apartments
- First Elms Hotel
- Florence Hotel
- Foley Cottage
- Fowler Inn
- Francis Hotel
- Frederick Hotel
- Gardner Apartments
- German House
- Gillen House
- Goff House
- Grant Hotel
- Gary Gables
- Hamilton Apartments
- Harr Cottage
- Haynes Apartments
- Hiawatha House
- Hillside Apartments
- Hinchey Rooms
- Hobson Cottage
- Hudgens Rooms
- Ideal Hotel
- Inn, The
- Iowa House
- Iris Apartments
- Jerome Rooms
- Johnson Rooms
- Jones Apartments
- Joseph Hotel
- Kansas City House
- Keith Apartments
- Kelmel Apartments
- Kenmore, The
- Lakeview Country Bed & Breakfast
- Lane Rooms
- Liberty House
- Ligon Apartments
- Long’s Inn Hotel
- Lorraine, the
- Lucerne Hotel
- Lyndhurst Annex Apartments
- Lyndhurst Hotel
- Lyndon Apartments
- Magnolia Hotel
- Manor Apartments
- Maplehurst Apartments
- Maples Hotel
- McLain Apartments
- Melrose Apartments
- Midland Rooms
- Miscellaneous
- Monfort House
- Montclare Apartments
- Monte Cristo
- Monterey Motel
- Morrison Hotel
- Natrona, The
- Navajo Rooms
- Nebraska Hotel
- New McKenzie, The
- Newbern Hotel
- Newton Hotel
- Niles Rooms
- Noonon, The
- Northwind Apartments
- Oak Crest Rooms
- Oaks Hotel
- Orient, The
- Oswalt Rooms
- Palace, The
- Parkside Hotel
- Parkview Apartments
- Phillips Tourist Tavern
- Pickwick Apartments
- Planter Hotel
- Plaza Hotel
- Preston Rooms
- Princeton Apartments
- Randall, The
- Ranger Court Motel
- Redman House
- Regent Apartments
- Relief Hotel
- Resthaven Cottage Court
- Revere Rooms
- Robacker Cottage
- Roslyn Rooms
- Royal Hotel
- Ruey
- Sagerser House
- Sanford Hotel
- Saratoga Hotel
- Savoy Hotel
- Seybold Tavern
- Sharp’s Rest Home
- Shelton Apartments
- Siloam Apartments
- Snapp Hotel
- Snapp Tavern
- Springdale Apartments
- Sterling Rooms
- Sunflower Rooms
- Taggart Rooms
- Teel Apartments
- Templeton Rooms
- Thomas Apartments
- Tom & Rose Lee Motel
- Topeka House
- Udell Apartments
- Uptown Apartment House
- Victoria, The
- Villa Rosa
- Wales House (1917)
- Wallis Apartments
- Washington Hotel
- Westwood Hills Apartments
- White House
- Windsor Apartments
- Woodbine Hotel
- Wyman Heights